Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lamia Fatalis Seductionem

Lamia Fatalis Seductionem

Born of dreams
alive yet dead seemingly
the manifestation exhumed
etombed and insatiable ardour within diabolical obsession
Subjugation the mesmerizing emerald
bespeaks an enchantment of angelic deliverance
as her feline and serpentine essence
whispers softly slithering delicious infernal
Inevitable seduction alluring fatality
falling into dark unfathomable bliss
blood sacrifice lust draining vitality
nameless the pleasures profane abysmal
Sensuous shadow enveloping helpless
the pall of morbidity consumation of expiry
infatuation undying devotion
sustain the undead yet withering life
Shell of a man rendered to nothing
ashes to ashes the spirit eternal
within without withal everlasting
pale grace and dark savage carnality yearn
Born of dreams
alive yet dead seemingly
the manifestation exhumed

copyright (c) F.Brown/Aaras .. all rights reserved.

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