Thursday, October 30, 2014

Quæ Sanguinat

Quæ Sanguinat

pale deathless nocturnal relentless
feeding the desolate hunger insatiable
relinquished she bleeds orgiastic lament
infinite loveless in lifeless embrace
Ethereal harrowing wanton creation
malefic dark minion infernal majestic
sustaining the reign of the noble descendant
quintessence supreme incarnation of lilith
Sleepless yet sleeping abysmal euphoria
fathomless unholy sanctum of black earth
musk of antiquity stench of the grave
dusk congregation the bestial consortium
Forever of nothingness saguine fatality
mist in the aether to shadow consigned
velvet serenity violet enchantment
archaic iniquity lupine entwined
pale deathless nocturnal relentless
feeding the desolate hunger insatiable

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