Monday, August 19, 2013



Lord of the arts of magik
expression of thought manifesting
genesis of science divining
sovereign judge of the dead
A'an the god of equilibrium
balancing darkness & light
origin of self incarnation
mastery of spirit  & flesh
Celestial path navigation
controlling the motion of void
all powerful all consuming
his word the existence of gods
Knowledge the human endeavor
numerical manifestation
astronomy astrology beget theology
essence of civilization
Battle of Ra and Apophis
Heru-Bekhutet and Set
conflicting the son of Osiris
the order of Thoth shall not let
Defeated deprived of its light
barren sterility phase
Nepyths Osiris Isis and Set
Three hundred sixty five days
Nocturnal intelligence primitive beast
crescent moon praising the ibis
becoming as one with Astennu
scribe of the infernal abyss
The deification of wisdom
attainment sublime thus rising
counsel persuasion combining
in time Hermes Trismegistus
Obscure incantation  Book of the Dead
obscure three times greater divine pacifier
dweller in Unnu the Timeless Omnipotent
eternal nobility
Lord of the arts of magik

copyright F.Brown/Aaras .. all rights reserved.

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